“I’ve worked in finance before, but what I’ve found is that Simon & Simon is different. This team genuinely cares about people, and they’re invested in their clients and treat them like family,” Renee says. “I think it’s because of the strong family dynamic inside our building. It’s like they don’t know any other way.”
Renee Selman
Renee Selman is an operations manager with Simon & Simon Financial. Coming to us with nearly a decade and a half of banking experience, she truly understands not just the financial aspects of our industry, but also how important the client experience is. She currently manages operations throughout the firm, working to process applications and help clients prepare for meetings with the proper appointments and paperwork.
Renee is originally from Colorado but moved to Louisiana as a teenager. She has been here since, and though she still considers Colorado home, she has completely embraced the state of Louisiana and its rich culture. She is a graduate of Southeast Louisiana University with a degree in microbiology, and though she transitioned from science to finance, she still has a deep love for scientific fields. In fact, studying microbiology taught her many of the skills she still uses today, such as her organization and detail-oriented work ethic.
She also focuses on educating our clients, as she knows just how vital it is to understand a financial plan, how to grow a nest egg and how to properly utilize funds in retirement to build a secure and comfortable lifestyle. As the operations manager, she contributes to building a well-tailored, custom financial plan by gathering data, researching accounts and ensuring that all deadlines and necessary requirements are met by our clients.
“When you work with a team as dedicated as the one we have, it just makes everything so easy. Everyone is so close, and when that extends into the client-base, staying on top of everyone’s desires and needs becomes incredibly simple,” Renee says. “Chad, Grant and the rest of the Simon & Simon family make each person feel like a priority, so we’re always aware of their current standing, their goals and what it will take to get to their objectives.”
When she’s not at work Renee enjoys spending time with her family, including her husband and her four children. The six of them love hiking, kayaking, biking and any other outdoor activity that gives them the chance to exercise in the beautiful weather and landscape. “We love to see all the sights of our beautiful state,” she says. “I will always have a special place in my heart for Colorado, but there’s something so special and magical about this area, and from the different scenery to the culture within the city, I can’t help but love every opportunity to see everything it has to offer.”
Renee is also an avid traveler, and with family in her home state of Colorado, she still visits often, making a couple of trips per year with her husband and children. Though she loves exploring Louisiana, it tends to be a nice change of pace with the cool weather and snowy mountains. She also maintains her passion for biology by sharing it with her kids, and she works hard to instill the importance of science while simultaneously trying to show them how fun it can be to experiment and learn.