Wealth Management
Investment Advisors

You don’t have to settle for low returns. The investment advisors at Simon and Simon Financial offer fee-only wealth management and investment advice, focusing on helping investors develop and implement intelligent and effective long-term investment strategies customized to their personal life goals.

Because our professional perspective is ongoing and long-term, we strive to foster and preserve the trust and confidence of our clients. We emphasize regular, interactive communication as our best resource for assessing and improving the quality of the service we provide. We strive to generate excellent long-term performance for our clients by utilizing multiple asset classes within a globally diversified approach to investing. This results in a disciplined investment process which provides dynamic asset allocation, broad diversification and allows you to meet your goals and objectives.

Investment Advice for
Your Transition to

Retirement represents a fundamental change in your life, yet most retirees don’t match that with a fundamental change in their portfolios. Our primary focus is to assist those planning for, entering into or already in retirement to make that transition smoothly. Safety and principal-protection become our biggest concerns as you get closer to retiring. From five to 10 years out, we’ll start transitioning your assets to help achieve better protection as well as future tax-savings, implementing the process of retirement planning in earnest.


Asset allocation and diversification do not assure or guarantee better performance and cannot eliminate the risk of investment loss. As with any investment strategy, there is the possibility of profitability as well as loss.